Sunday 6 February 2011

Murder most horrid

In my dog bed, keeping well out of the way following yet another human over reaction.

After going on DEFCON Level One alert after the spectacles incident, Weird put every vaguely edible item in the house out of my reach.

So what was I to do? I had a mooch around the front garden and found an extra-bouncy new toy that squeaked when I stood on it. After a while it stopped bouncing and squeaking, so I ate it.

And so Frog Murder has now been added to my long list of crimes.

An amusing follow up though, as Beard got up three times in the night to make sure I hadn't died.

W, who clearly had no interest in my potential poisoning, said she ate a frog dinner when she was starving in remote China and it didn't do her any harm... which made me wonder if that's just a smidgen hypocritical for someone who claims to be a vegetarian? 

Bet if it I'd fried it in butter and garlic she wouldn't have complained.

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