Wednesday 2 February 2011

Battle scars and sausage heaven

Has anyone else realised that today is Ground Hog day?  First celebrated officially in 1887, at the wonderfully-named Gobbler’s Knob near Pittsburgh. US.
Here in dog world, I’ve had a few days away from blogging after being half eaten by an angry Labrador and a subsequent altercation with a barbed wire fence up on the Cow Field.
The downside of all this was a visit to the vets to have my leg stapled, while the very significant upside was Beard’s attempt to aid my convalescence by introducing me to ... SAUSAGES.
The Cow Field drama unfolded while Weird was away in London, so B took advantage of the absence of the only vegetarian in the house to hot foot it to Sainsbury’s. So far we have worked our way through 80 chipolatas. (Usually when she’s away he eats Ginster’s pasties and hides the wrappers, but has yet to share one).
Beard, of course is consumed with guilt by his inability to rescue me from either the rabid Lab or the fence, so if I play my cards right, anything could happen. I might even get a bite of the Ginsters.
Anyhow, back to life in the kitchen.  Staying in and feasting on sausages has given me plenty of time to listen to world news.... and there’s plenty of it, from Egyptian protests to Australian cyclones.  And in the midst of this turmoil comes the news of the day from the Daily Mirror....... apparently Cheryl Cole is the star that most people want to name their dog after.
Yes really. 
Her christian name was the first choice for bitches, ahead of Victoria, Lady Gaga, Grace Kelly and Beyoncé.  And the number one celebrity dog name in the National Geographic poll of 3,000 was Ozzy, followed by Boris, Arnie, Elvis and Bono.
I bet that t**t that bit me was called Bono.

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